Fall is Coming!

Southern California was hit with cooler temps this week and we all went a bit nuts! Unpacking boots and carrying around mugs to warm up our hands…. with the weather in the 70’s…. I know we’re a bit weird around here! What the welcome drop in temperature did do was get me super excited about prAna and their fall line!

I was sent a few items to review and a discount code for YOU to use through September 30th!

First off, I can’t get over how buttery soft the organic cotton London Jeans are. They fit me true to size and have just the right amount of give. The length is longer than I expected but as a slightly taller than average (5’8) woman that made my day! They look cute tucked in boots or rolled into a cuff and worn with heals, flats or sandals!

I am really excited about the recycled wool Lucia Sweater. Casual enough to replace my daily hoodies, but so much more flattering and stylish! Again, true to size for me. Though I personally would prefer the sleeves slightly longer.

The entire fall line is calling my name and I’m sure you’ll find something as well. Dresses, casual wear, swim, and active wear! Men’s clothes too! So use code PFSI6RCL for 15% off your order through September 30th, 2016 and let me know what you think!

While I was sent the items free to review all opinions are my own 🙂

My Weird Workouts plus Win prAna gear and Organic Valley!

When I listen to my body I get the work out I need. Sometimes that means combining yoga with running, some days that means I take it easy and spend time in only restorative yoga postures; savasana all day! Just kidding, mostly!  Some days I need to profusely sweat, lift heavy weight or run more miles than I thought I was capable of.

So climb that mountain and then stop, drop, and yoga!

My Moms Run This Town chapter has taken me on some weird runs. Most recently a group met up, jumped on a train and traveled 8, 12, or 16 miles away only to run along the coast back to the train station. I would never have thought of that! It made for an interesting twist on my long run!

So listen to your body, try something new, keep moving, and GET WEIRD!




Now for a chance to win!

Play along with me and let’s get weird while having a chance to win $300 worth of prAna gear and a two month supply of Organic Fuel.


The contest runs from August 15 – 31st, 2016. Ten winners will swing away with some awesome Organic Fuel swag, a two-month supply of Organic Fuel and $300 in credit to use on prAna.com!

Use all the hashtags (#WeirdWorkout, #SweatprAna, #SweatPink #prAnaFallStyle). The more you share, the more chances you have at winning!

Enter Here and get weird with me!

Disclaimer- This post was sponsored by prAna and  Organic Valley. All opinions are my own!


Marathon Running and Other Moments of Insanity

I should begin by saying I have serious FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). This is not a secret. I don’t try to hide it. But it will help you understand my journey to 26.2.

Just over a year ago I was scrolling though Facebook and saw many moms in my Moms Run This Town chapter posting their finish line photos and stories of completing the San Diego Rock N Roll marathon. I had run several half marathons at that point and had a “why not me?” moment. The starting price for the following years Rock N Roll marathon was as low as I’d ever seen for a full marathon, or most halves. So as in most of the impulsive running decisions I make I grabbed my credit card and signed up. I mean I could always defer to the 1/2 if training wasn’t going my way.

I never saw myself as a marathon runner. Until several years ago the thought of running more than 6 miles wasn’t even appealing. In fact it sounded awful. I ran a 10+ mile Tough Mudder. The distance was my least favorite part of the event. Submerging myself in ice, or getting electrocuted? Bring it. Running for more than an hour, no thanks! Most of my running friends picked up running 1/2 marathons and I started feeling like the runner who never grew up. So I gave a 13.1 miles a try. That’s another story. I rolled my ankle weeks before the event and my finish time was so embarrassing that I didn’t want to tell even my closest friends. So it was back for redemption, and I actually liked it.

Back to signing up for my first full marathon. It was easy to ignore the distance I committed to for about six months. I kept busy running, lifting, and teaching group fitness classes. After the new year I looked into training plans and decided with my fitness level I could start a 16 week program. I modified it a bit to make room for the hours of teaching group fitness. I printed out training calendars and taped them in clear sight. I still remember writing out the number 16 on one of my sticky tabs and thinking, ‘Man! That’s going to be insane!’. Then writing out 20 and that little insecure place in my head thinking ‘There’s still a chance you’ll back out before you ever get to it. Don’t worry.’. So I didn’t worry. And week by week I upped my long run a little more. Some runs went well, others I hated every step. (I’m looking at you 18 Miler) But I did the work. I only skipped 2 short training runs for valid reasons.

As I approached race day I answered the question “How are you feeling about the big race?” the same way each time.’I’m trusting my training.’. That’s all I could do.

So this past Sunday I got into my corral and waited for my turn to start. I remember crying as I approached the start line, it was really happening. I was going to run a marathon! This was what all those 4am alarms for long training runs was for! This was for all the Advil I had taken. The ice baths. The epsom salt baths. This was what all those selfies posted to Instagram were about. All of the hard work I put into training, this was the reward!

I kept that happy thought process up for miles. I EARNED the right to run this marathon.

My pace was slightly better than I planned but it all felt right. Until around mile 5 or so. My shin began hurting, not normal for me. I figured I would run it off and it would work itself out. At mile 8 the half marathon runners split off and you can make a decision there to cut your race short or keep going. I kept going. Around mile 13 I was still feeling good, I had a new 1/2 PR even! If I could keep it up I would finish around 4hours 40 minutes. Around mile 9 I had ankle pain. By mile 17 hip pain, knee pain, and some weird bruising on my low back was happening.  My pace slowed way down. I tried a walk/run method but it hurt as much to walk as it did to run, so I ran. Just very slowly. I was angry because my muscles were fine. My breathing was fine. My injuries were not.

I sent my husband a few texts along the way. I did not want him to know when I started hurting. I finally admitted it with a few miles to go. Around mile 23 the course goes onto the freeway. They close one side of the freeway down. It’s a love/hate situation. When do you get the opportunity to run on the freeway? But it’s almost all uphill, it’s very slanted and you’ve already been running for hours.

I knew I was close to keeping my original goal time of 5 hours by mile 24 so I kept my slow pace going. Run, walk, shuffle. As I approached the finish line I felt somewhat numb, like wait, it’s over now? All that and now it’s just over? Right about 5 hours of running and now I just stop? My medal was put around my neck and I began to flood with emotion. I DID IT! I was a marathoner! I walked a bit through the finishing chute before seeing my always supportive husband and three of my sons cheering for me. I was greeted with the biggest hugs and more tears (me, I cry a lot, that’s no secret either).

I immediately told them I hated it and never wanted to do it EVER again. Some things don’t need to be repeated.

We hung out a bit at the after party. I picked up my finishers jacket. Stretched. Took some photos. Listened to the headliner perform. Then we ate burgers and began the drive home.

I promised you another moment of insanity. So it appears it takes me about 18 hours to forget the pain of a marathon. Because I signed up the next morning to run it again next year.


Anyone who drinks protein shakes will tell you that they are not all created equal. From the moment the box of goodies arrived at my door from Amazing Grass I knew I was in for a treat!

Once again Fit Approach has partnered up with a great company to bring us a yummy, healthy product that fits in with an active lifestyle. I was given the opportunity to review this product and all opinions are my own 🙂



So what exactly is it?!

“Amazing Grass Protein SuperFood contains a unique blend of USDA Organic pea, hemp, chia and quinoa, delivering 20g of complete plant-based protein per serving plus 7 alkalizing organic greens and two-full servings of wholesome fruits and vegetables. Each flavor is also grain-free, paleo friendly, and can be enjoyed alone with water, added to a smoothie or almond, cashew or coconut milk. The line’s unique pea protein is the only available source that is 100 percent grown, harvested and processed in the USA, providing one of the smoothest, best tasting plant-based proteins on the market.”


Say what?! Organic, plant based nutrition…. and it tastes great!

feelamazing (5)

I was sent the Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder. It is NOT chalky and does NOT leave any weird residue in my mouth like some protein powders do. It was kind on my stomach. I even drank a shake in between teaching fitness classes and it was very filling and satisfying. This flavor was not too sweet and the peanut putter shined through, just how I like it! This gives you room to mix in other treats; like mini chocolate chips!


There’s something about sipping any drink from a big wine glass that makes it feel special!

I would love for you to try this plant based protein yourself and Amazing Grass is giving one of my readers a FREE full size container!!! So head on over to the Amazing Grass website and check them out! Just leave a comment here on the blog telling me how you stay active and what flavor you want to try (Original, Pure Vanilla, or Chocolate Peanut Butter) and I will choose a winner on Sunday evening to receive a full size container! If you can not wait that long use code SWEATPINKCherie16 to receive 30% off right away!






Marathon Training 

I’m training for my first full marathon. That has come as a surprise to some people. They assume that because you have a running sticker on your car, fitness based social media, and talk about running constantly that you must have gone for the full marathon distance by now. Nope. I have a handful of 1/2 marathons under my belt. I’ve run 4 Ragnar Relays, and more 5 and 10ks than I can count. 

Until a year ago I never considered running 26.2 miles. Around 10 months ago Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego had a flash sale. The price was too good to pass up and I figured I could always defer to the 1/2 marathon if I wanted. 

I spent months ignoring what I signed up for. I knew with my level of activity I could train for a marathon in four months. The day I wrote out my schedule I panicked a little, I can’t lie. But those early weeks of training had runs that were only 3 to 5 miles long. Every week the long run got a little longer. 

It wasn’t until the last few weeks that it has felt real. I’m really doing this. I’m not afraid, I’m training. My marathon goal is consistent running. I know there will be factors I cannot control the day of the race. Stay tuned… 


Hemp Hearts Giveaway

(Disclaimer: I was provided Hemp Hearts to review. I am not being paid for this. All opinions are my own)IMG_1840

Giveaway time!

I’ve enjoyed Hemp Hearts for several years. Mainly sprinkling them on yogurt or topping salads. I enjoy the nutty flavor and nutrition they add. When I was given the opportunity to review them and give away a free bag of Hemp Hearts through my affiliation with Fit Approach I was super excited!


(A protein shake in disguise! Vanilla protein powder blended with Hemp Hearts, strawberries, milk, and topped with fat free whipped cream!)

Hemp Hearts are easy to use, just sprinkle on anything! They taste similar to a sesame seed or a pine nut. With 10 grams of protein and 10 grams of omegas per 30 gram serving they are nutritious!

For a chance to win a bag of your own just follow Running Cherie’s Life on Facebook and like the post linking back to the blog. Good Luck!

Ragnar Trail Vail Lake


26713890_race_0.8455811990682134.originalTeam “You Had Me At Dirty”

So what’s the difference between Ragnar Trail and Ragnar?! In Ragnar your team lives in a van and leap frog style followers their 12 runners for around 200 miles. Runners take turns and one runner from the team is always out running until you finish. There are 36 separate legs of the race. In Ragnar Trail you are still running relay style but there are only 3 loops/legs and each of 8 runners will complete all 3 loops with 1 runner out at a time. Our group chose to form 2 teams with comparable runners partnered up so that we would never be on the course alone.

IMG_1156This was a concern for me and ended up being the best thing I never knew I wanted! I always fear when I join someone for a run that I will be having an off day. I don’t want to slow them down. Or conversely that I will feel great and want to open up my legs and not be held back. My partner Sarah is faster than I am on the road by a bit, but not as experienced on trails as I am (trails slow most people down) so we matched up well.

IMG_1096Leg 1 (yellow loop) 4.11 miles.

This should have been 3.9 miles but we took a wrong turn!

Our teams drew runner positions randomly from a box and we were assigned the Runner #2 position. For Sarah and I that meant we ran around 11am on Friday, 9pm Friday night and 7am on Saturday. I really feel like this added to my overall happiness at the event. I was so much more rested than when I ran Wasatch Back at times like 3pm 3:30am and 2pm.


In between legs you can hang out at your campsite, shop from vendors in the village and best of all rest and recover! Dinner Friday night is part of your registration. It was a disappointing pasta dinner. Catering ran out of the salad and meatballs less than an hour into service and by the time they had more it was too late for me to eat before my next run and the line was enormous. Our team was over prepared with food though and no one went hungry. Apparently when you put 16 Costco shopping moms together you will feast!

IMG_1139On Friday night the Village came alive with bon fires, s’mores all night long included! A movie about running playing on a big screen, and as long as it lasted coffee and hot chocolate (it didn’t last long). You need less night gear on the trails than road. No need for reflective vests and blinking lights when you are not worried about cars. Just a headlamp. I did learn my headlamp is not enough on it’s own and I was thankful for  a small handheld light passed off by a teammate.

IMG_1124Before leg 2 ( green loop)

6.06 Miles



Leg 3 (Red loop)

4.51 Miles

I was awarded with beautiful sunrise views on the last run. This was the dreaded Red loop but despite the elevation difficulty I actually enjoyed this loop the best! Trail running is my favorite. Give me single track trails where I have to think about footing and I can tune out the work that my body is doing. The “One Mile To Go” sign is a gift on every trail!


I made a new friend at the campsite before our teams all ran in to the finish line together.

Unfortunately Ragnar ran out of medals before we finished. Super disappointing to have 16 runners completing a total of 240 miles in about 29 hours to find this out. Ragnar gave us a drinking glass as a sorry gift and says the medals will be mailed.

I enjoyed the trails we ran and it was nice that the event was only 40 minutes from my house. I would love to run Ragnar Trail in their other locations like Lake Tahoe or Zion. Someday!

It’s About More Than Running

If you follow my Instagram account then you know running is only a part of my active life. My fitness philosophy is to change it up, try new things, and once something is no longer enjoyable take a break and try it again later. This is how over the years I have taken belly dancing classes, water aerobics, I once took a trampoline exercise class, trapeezing, stand up paddle boarding… the list goes on. Not everything I’ve tried had me needing to go back for more but never have a been sorry for showing up. So I wanted to give you a look at what else I’ve been up to!

IMG_7524Aerial yoga has stolen my heart! I am so glad my yoga studio has added it to their schedule. I feel strong and graceful. Trusting my strength and my positioning on the hammock came faster than I expected.


I have loved yoga for many years and this is taking it to a new level. The ability to hold inversion poses within the silks allows you to build the foundation and form when taking it to the mat. As well as giving you support to hold challenging back bends.


I set a goal for myself this year to become certified as a group fitness instructor. Several weeks ago I passed my tests! This past weekend I certified in teaching indoor cycle and I’m ready to put together a resume and start sharing my enthusiasm for fitness!

I’m still running. I have some big events coming up and as usual I’m not sure how well I’ve trained. I recently joined Moms Run This Town for several group runs. My favorite thing about this group is finding new places to run and there’s something to be said about time passing faster when you’re talking while you go through the miles.


BuluBox Review

What a fun package delivered to my house! IMG_7819Monthly subscription boxes are spreading quickly! I’ve seen them for runners, home cooks, makeup lovers, yogis, children, crafters… You name it and I bet there is a company that will send a box of products to try tailored to your interests. This month I was given the opportunity to review BuluBox! Here is how they describe themselves

“Bulu Box is the first health, nutrition and weight loss discovery box designed to help you feel your best. Each month, you’ll get a custom box filled with a new mix of 4 to 5 premium samples from top brands to try.”

They offer two boxes depending on your needs. One is a well rounded sampling of all things health and nutrition and the other is tailored to weight loss. I was sent the general box.

IMG_7820RUNA tea (tea bag sample)

Simple Being Simple Diet (2 pills)

Movit Energy Gummies (1 pouch)

Fusion Jerky (full size!)

Earth’s Care Anti-Itch cream (I think it’s travel size but large enough for many uses)

After you try the products you can order the full sized products on their website shop with a discount. They also have a rewards program where you can earn points toward full size products.

I think the price is good, $10 a month and you can order month to month. I’ve seen other subscription boxes cost $15 all the way to $50 a month! With the code SWEATPINK you can get 50% off a 3, 6 or 12 month subscription!

I tried the chicken jerky with my family and we agreed it was great! The energy chews arrived melted and fused together, but it was over 110 out the day my box arrived! I still gave them a go before a gym session and my energy was good. The anti-itch cream quickly relieved an evening mosquito bite. I do not think a single sample is enough to review the appetite suppressant, and honestly I wouldn’t take one anyway. Overall I enjoyed the variety and thought it lived up to the title of health and nutrition. However I am not big into supplements and would prefer more natural products.

While I was given the box free to review I did not receive compensation and the opinions expressed are my own.